The Privacy Office is responsible for management oversight of the Army-wide implementation of the Privacy Act (PA) and Quality of Information (QIP) programs in accordance with 5 U.S.C. Sect. 552a, and Public Law 106-554.
Posting PII on AKO and SharePoint
Army Knowledge Online (AKO) and SharePoint folders are continuously being reviewed
in an effort to locate Personally Identifiable Information (PII) which has not been
properly restricted or password protected. All PII stored on both AKO and SharePoint
must be safeguarded and available only to those with a duty-related need to know the
information. Should PII be found, we urge you to alert your Chain of Command and the
custodian of the record in an effort to prevent further dissemination.
All PII breaches must be reported to the Army Privacy Office via the Privacy Act
Tracking System (PATS) at